Thursday, December 7, 2006

What Kind of Person Are You?

As you can see, we've switched gears here at Alfred's. It's all about making that cash flow.

So what kind of person are you: rich or poor?

Now I don't mean how much money do you have in your bank account. There are some people who appear rich but are actually impoverished, and there are some people who drive crappy old junkbox cars and are wealthy.

How is this possible? Simple, really. Because it's all about cash flow.

If you take your total monthly income, reduce it by your tax percentage (about 1/3 or 1/2, depending on your income), then subtract your monthly expenses, where do you stand? Are you in the red? If so, you're living the life of a poor person.

The way to live the life of positive cash flow can often be accomplished by changing your mindset. Do you want to live richly but be on your way to the poor house? Or do you want to appear less well off and actually be on your way to wealth?

Forget about the flashy car, expensive dinners, Starbucks every morning, over-the-top vacations. That money belongs in your pocket, not the pockets of a car dealer or your local Starbucks.

Monitor your daily expenses. The Starbucks run, getting lunch out every day, huge car payments: these are holes in your ship that need to be patched.

So it's up to you. Are you gonna patch those leaks, or will you go down with the ship?