Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Avoiding Blogger Burnout

Consistency is one of the most important traits a successful Internet Publisher can have, especially for college students who have classes to keep up with.

The biggest killer of consistency is blogger burnout. You get to a point where it doesn't seem like you're making any progress, or you just don't feel like making that nightly post, and your all-important schedule is broken.

But you've got to maintain your schedule. This means making that nightly post even if you don't feel like it, but it also means going out with your friends when "work time" is over. You have to use your free time to relax. Blogging and updating, particularly when Adsense is involved, can become an obsession. You have to make sure you don't overdo it by forcing yourself to spend your free time away from the computer.

Carry a notebook, so if you're out somewhere and you get a great idea for a post, you can jot it down. Don't forget that living a fun and varied life can add to the flavor and perspective in your blogs.

There comes a point where you just have to be able to say, the blogs will be fine for the weekend, I'm going skiing. Or, I could spend a few hours optimizing my Adsense advertising, but I'm gonna go to the park with my dog instead. And when you return, you'll have fresh energy and ideas to help you keep to your schedule and build your Internet Publishing empire.