Monday, December 18, 2006

Adsense Terms of Service

Once your website is approved for Adsense, whatever you do, do NOT click on any of the advertisements. Google is not kidding, and trust me, if you click on your own ads they will catch you.

After Google cancels your account, all the work you've done on your site is for nothing, because it's tough to get a new account; not only that, but if you do manage to get a new account, and you put the Adsense code on your old pages that you put so much time and effort into, they'll cancel your NEW account.

So please. Do yourself and everybody else a favor and don't click on your own ads.

But what if you click one by accident?

Simple. Make sure you report it right away as a violation to Google. Explain in professional, simple and polite terms that you clicked on your own ad accidentally, and give the day and time of the infraction.

Make sure to tell your friends and family not to click on your ads just for the sake of earning you money, either! Google will catch any kind of suspicious activity, and you have to assume that your friends and family don't know what the rules are, so just politely let 'em know. Or not so politely, depending on how good of a relationship you have with them.

It's simply not worth the risk of getting your account cancelled, so be honest and be careful what you click!