Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tip of the Day

Ever open a can of coke or a bottle of beer, and then suddenly lose all desire to drink it? Alright, forget the beer, but it does happen with coke and other drinks once in a while, right?

Well in the past, man has had simply to forget about that unused and wasted beverage, often pouring it down the sink in despair.

Sure there have been renegade souls who will leave it in the fridge to try again later. You know the type. The loner, the rebel with a very minor cause. But it ends the same way every time: a flat, stale old drink; another battle lost.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Try taking a piece of a paper towel and crumpling it into the mouth of the can or bottle, just enough to block the entrace but not so much that it falls inside.

Throw your drink back into the fridge, and when you're ready for it an hour later, it'll still be fresh and carbonated!

And that, my friend, is real.