Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Learning English as a Second Language From Home

Want to learn English, the number one language for business in the world, all from the comfort of your own filthy living room?

There are many fun and effective ways to learn English as a second language from home. It will take time, patience and practice, but you CAN do it! So clear some of those Chinese food containers and empty soda cans off the table, and read on!

The first step you'll need to take is to master basic vocabulary. To start with, concentrate on everyday words that will allow you to hold a basic conversation in English, like items at the grocery store, terms used in your workplace, and the names of household objects. By doing this, you can quickly learn enough English to hold basic conversations. The more you practice speaking in English, you faster you'll learn and the better you'll become!

If you have a list of words that you're trying to learn, the best way to memorize them once and for all is to write the list over and over again, word and definition, until you can write the whole thing from memory. You may have to write it out five times, maybe ten- but I guarantee that once you can do this, you'll have those words memorized!

The next helpful exercise in mastering English is to read as often as you can. Go to the library, find a comfortable chair and read through a book of your choice. Be sure to have a dictionary and a pad of paper, so that when you come across a word you don't know you can write it down and practice it later. Improving your vocabulary and reading skills is like money in the bank. The more the read in one sitting, the better your English will become, until you're a master of the English language!

And now for the easiest way to improve your English: watch television! The more you hear and comprehend the English language, the more fluent your own use of the language will become. Watch the news in English, the Discovery channel, anything that will capture your interest. It's important not to neglect reading, writing and verbal practice of the language, but if you are really committed to mastering English, leaving the television on is a great way to increase your overall familiarity with the language, while at the same time perfecting your pronunciation skills.
Learning English is a never-ending process. Even native speakers have to read frequently and consult dictionaries to continue expanding and perfecting their vocabulary.

So good luck, keep at it, and in time you will attain native speaker proficiency and beyond!