Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Jesus: God, Teacher or Prophet?

CS Lewis made an interesting point on the subject of Jesus as prophet.

Jesus of Nazareth claimed that he was the Son of God. Now there are three possibilities that arise from this statement:

First, that Jesus was not the Son of God, but rather he was a lunatic.

Second, that Jesus was not the Son of God, but he was just a bad man who deceived people.

Or Third, that Jesus was who He said He was: the Son of God Himself.

By claiming that He was the Son of God, Jesus left no room in the middle whereby we could call him a teacher, a good man or a prophet. He was either a lunatic, an evil man or the Son of God.

If you're interested in questions about the validity of Christianity, or about logical proofs of the Christian faith, I'd recommend reading Mere Christianity, by CS Lewis. From there, a great wealth of knowledge is available to you in the other works of this great writer! Huzzah!