Saturday, January 6, 2007

Enhancing Your Blog with Photos

One of the coolest and most fun ways to enhance your blog's content is through photography.

Nobody likes looking at a blog with nothing but text. It's tough enough to read text on a computer screen, without having to follow one line down to another for the entire page.

Photos give your reader's eye a break, and offers them a refuge amid a sea of eye-straining words.

There are lots of places online where you can get free pictures for your blog, like Stock.Xchng. But the one problem with that is, everyone else can get those photos, too.

The best thing to do is to take some of your own pictures with a digital camera. If you don't have one, you can get one pretty cheap at Walmart, and they're even selling single-use digital cameras at CVS now.

Take pictures no one else has seen and be the exclusive site to offer them. That can really help to make you website a go-to place for your viewers. You might consider using Photoshop to add your URL to your best pictures, so people can download them and promote your blog at the same time!